next decades should see a great change, for the last few years has seen the beginning of painstaking effort to amass information from a wider segment of the population. The homophile group will never be fully understood until homosexuals from all strata of society come forward and allow themselves to be exposed to medical and scientific evaluation on a wide scale. This, of course, can only be possible when the lethal stigma is removed. It is most obvious, therefore, that this is the crux of our over all plan--to ameliorata relationship between ourselves and the public--to create a wedge of understanding in the vast sea of bias and misinformation--to open the doors to wider study and more complete knowledge of homosexuality. This, in turn, will inevitably lead to more mature social attitudes and greater legal flexibility.


Currently, there are chapters of our organization in several larger American cities and we are happy to state that a Mattachine, business office has now been organHow&ated in England-we are becoming international. ever, we have great need for much more representation in all American cities and this is imperative if our work is to be effective. Te must show the public that homosexuality, exists universally and is not necessarily a product of the large city.

At this time we are striving to consolidate the Best Coast area. Both San Francisco and Los Angeles.chapters. have experienced an encouraging enthusiasm and in> Dîstincreased tempo of activity in recent months.

guished doctors, lawyers, psychiatrists, writers and public spirited people in various walks of life, have unselfishly given their time and effort, to The Mattaching Society and One Inc., by participating in discussions and meetings in the Los Angeles area.

South of us, is the large oity of San Diego which has no representation of our society. We are most anxious to establish a chapter in that community. He wish to create a firm southern anchor for the western chapters of Hattachine. Before we can spread our work on a mich broader scale we must first establish ourselves, firmly in the larger cities.

Our open meetings and discussions must continue c.. an ever expanding and far reaching scale. We must place ourselves in the public eye constantly, in a positive and constructive way to dissolve present day conceptions of the homosexual. If this program is continued in the larger cities, it Goos without saying that the formation of chapters in smaller communities will surely take place in time. Fey people have, the courage (or financial or social freedom) to be able to stand alone against overwhelming, public opinion but once the ebots of our program reach a sizable segment of the population we will have, created IDENTIFICATION. Others who have lived clandestinely or in a complete vacuum will suddenly become aware of countless others who think and feel exactly as they do. This feeling of BELONGING is a basic human need, for man is a gregarious creature. It must surely be self evident to the thoughtful individual that a, person's courage and morale will be greatly strengthened with the knowledge that he does not stand alone; that he is not a freak and that there are millions like him all over the world.



We are calling upon our friends in other cities who understand the necessity for spreading our program, to join us and start the formation of a chapter in their city. It is difficult to get the ball rolling at the outset but once this is done the impetus will create chain reaction which will eventually spread to the maller towns and cities.


Those among you who can see the problem in its totality and are aware of the precarious position of the homosexual today in social, legal and economic spheres, should come forward and start organizing in their communities. This, of course, requires creat courage and conviction but it can give one great strength and assurance to mow that he is far ahead of his time, were those monumental intellects who framed the Declaration of Independence. Bob Bishop

The morality of an action depends upon the motive from which we act. Dr. Johnson
